Thursday, February 19, 2009

Morning metro, Pelosi pics, and I'm homesick :(

On the metro this morning I harassed some random boy who I knew was a Washington Center intern. Like he was listening to music and I started waving my hand in front of his face to start a conversation because I really want to keep meeting people. It is kindof hard to meet people... the Washington Center doesn't really create ways to meet other interns in the building, I'm the only intern at work, and I haven't really gone out to many places where I could meet people. So I don't care if I'm that awkward person on the metro because clearly that is what I've got to do. Also, I just really like talking to people. Like why is it so hard to smile and just talk to the people around you? Obviously I am more talkative than most others, but if you are stuck on the metro early in the morning crowded together, you might as well make it a lighter situation by smiling and starting an innocent conversation with the person next to you. I'm not trying to sound like I'm this crazy outgoing person who talks to every random stranger she encounters (because it is only a handful of the random strangers, and usually I at least recognize them from my building or something...hehehe), but this week hasn't been the greatest and I'm trying to make the best of it and stay positive. I was relieved to hear my roommate say in response to this story, "there is more to life than your little ipod world" TRUTH.

My roommate, Andrea, has also discovered a hilarious newspaper called The Onion; and said this article about race reminded her of me, and I promise it isn't boring, as I quote, "more than 92 percent of African-Americans have noticed a dramatic increase in the number of beaming Caucasians in their vicinity." I also found another one that pretty much summarizes one of my life fears: Head Lice Going Around Senate ... I mean if I get lice when I go to Capital Hill I'll flip..... kidding. But seriously lice is my #2 fear besides pink eye, which I also thought I had recently, but it was a fluke. Lack of sleep and waking up at 7 am will cause pink-eye like symptoms. But it isn't pink eye because it doesn't itch. Alright so moving away from my life paranoia...

I was planning on leaving a depressing blog post because work has really just been boring and awful and I don't know that politics will EVER be for me, but it is all a learning experience I suppose and I'm trying to keep my head up. Hopefully once I start volunteering I'll feel like I have more of a purpose. But at the moment I can't complain because well, the office is on (but why is it a repeat tonight?) and I have the good company of my lovely roommate Andrea and John Montgomery, a Dickinson buddy who lives upstairs. and Andrea made us muddy buddies... yum! Also, everyone should make a twitter! Go to and find me, my name is 'fuchsie'. Basically I just talk to John on it about our awesome office lives, but you can all post little things about your day and keep in touch :)

Oh but here are pictures that one of the people I went with took of the Pelosi press conference on his iPhone; front row view baby!

I added some other pics throughout the blog, and I'll get a better clip of the press conference soon. Adding pics to facebook has been unsuccessful for some reason.

I really miss my fam (on vacation without me. meh) and all of my home and Dickinson friends... the city is still new and exciting, but I just hope I can keep meeting new people and feel more productive at my internship.. feel free to shoot me an email or leave me some comments because I am thinking of all of you...