My roommate, Andrea, has also discovered a hilarious newspaper called The Onion; and said this article about race reminded her of me, and I promise it isn't boring, as I quote, "more than 92 percent of African-Americans have noticed a dramatic increase in the number of beaming Caucasians in their vicinity." I also found another one that pretty much summarizes one of my life fears: Head Lice Going Around Senate ... I mean if I get lice when I go to Capital Hill I'll flip..... kidding. But seriously lice is my #2 fear besides pink eye, which I also thought I had recently, but it was a fluke. Lack of sleep and waking up at 7 am will cause pink-eye like symptoms. But it isn't pink eye because it doesn't itch. Alright so moving away from my life paranoia...
I was planning on leaving a depressing blog post because work has really just been boring and awful and I don't know that politics will EVER be for me, but it is all a learning experience I suppose and I'm trying to keep my head up. Hopefully once I start volunteering I'll feel like I have more of a purpose. But at the moment I can't complain because well, the office is on (but why is it a repeat tonight?) and I have the good company of my lovely roommate Andrea and John Montgomery, a Dickinson buddy who lives upstairs. and Andrea made us muddy buddies... yum! Also, everyone should make a twitter! Go to and find me, my name is 'fuchsie'. Basically I just talk to John on it about our awesome office lives, but you can all post little things about your day and keep in touch :)
Oh but here are pictures that one of the people I went with took of the Pelosi press conference on his iPhone; front row view baby!

I really miss my fam (on vacation without me. meh) and all of my home and Dickinson friends... the city is still new and exciting, but I just hope I can keep meeting new people and feel more productive at my internship.. feel free to shoot me an email or leave me some comments because I am thinking of all of you...
Awkward turtle
ReplyDeleteshut up brian
ReplyDeletehaha i'm just going to laugh at brian's comment